A Wildfire
Some people just have it. Some people seem just ordinary. Some people lack it all. Those people in the middle take in and process like normal. The more extremes take in and process so finely or to a greater volume or not at all.
Some people get stuck. Most of the time they feel nothing unless it is in extremes. They process on a different level, almost giving a higher meaning to the things they value.
In my opinion, these people are needed. They understand how the world works, how people feel. They see through the bullshit. There is great beauty in what they create or destroy. Regardless, if they burned out or are still going, they will always be a wildfire.
Even those that lack it all still have a true value. Someone who grinds it out all day in the dirt building the platforms can appreciate knowing that their loved ones get a better view from the platforms they now walk on. To truly understand happiness you have to experience sadness or pain. Without the worst you would not understand the best.
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