The Beauty I Find.

Today I walked. I walked to the store to get the food I ordered. On the way I heard no noise. It took me a second to notice, but I took that moment in. It was simply beautiful, just the occasional scuffing of my feet would be heard, the moment was relaxing.

***I feel that there is just so much beauty in this world. I may be missing most of it but the moments I do happen to find, I take great care in immortalizing in memory. I pay attention to everything around me, trying to take a mental snapshot.

The other day I remember a great thunderstorm rolling through my town. This, to me was great news as I am a fan of this type of weather. I watched as it started, full of wind and heavy rain. The rain looked like a maze of streaming bullets as it came down. As I watched the rain blanket the town, I heard a sound from below. when I looked down I noticed the plants outside my home, in their planters. The planters were completely filled with water. well, I stood and watched, thinking, I realized that there is such a somberness to so much of the beauties I find in life. there can be so much chaos in the background to these moments that truly go unnoticed. In some of these darker happenings where I find delight, others may find great sadness. So, I looked back on today and I noticed that the journey, although peaceful and calming for me, to others may seem desolate or lonely. I found that to be very interesting.
